Legacy Giving
Create a Legacy
Thank you for your interest in planned giving to ensure this work to provide safety, shelter, and support for survivors of domestic abuse continues long after we are gone. The impact of a planned gift cannot be overestimated, and is a wonderful way to make your vision for a better world come true.
We invite your membership in the Helpmate Legacy Giving Society. This Society, formed in 2018 and chaired by Don Swaby, honors the generosity and foresight of our planned giving donors. Legacy Society members sustain all areas of this work to make our community a safer and healthier place for all to live, including:
- Prevention education
- 24/7 Hotline response to urgent requests for assistance
- Secure residential shelter for those in imminent danger
- Court advocacy for those navigating the judicial system
- Counseling and case management for those healing from trauma
- Children’s programming to minimize the long term effects of violence in the home

A Survivor’s Story
I fell in love with a boy while in high school and we married not long after graduation. He did hit me once while we were dating, but he was sorry, and it did not happen again for a while.
We were married for seven years and his controlling behavior and violence escalated. I always thought I could stop it, if I just did the right things. I was wrong and found myself afraid, embarrassed, and ashamed of my situation. At the time, I lived in rural Pennsylvania, so I called a national hotline. They suggested I get to Pittsburgh, 3 ½ hours away, so they could help me. I had no idea how to make that happen and was left hanging and on my own.
I was eventually able to leave that marriage, but I never want another person to feel like I did. I am happy to be a member of the Legacy Giving Society. My planned gift will help ensure Helpmate services exist as long as they are needed. Every family should know kindness, love and support.
– Cindy Ireland
There are many ways to become a member of LGS:
- Remembering Helpmate in your will
- Naming Helpmate as a beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement plan
- Naming Helpmate as a beneficiary of an insurance policy
- Other estate planning options
Every situation is different, so always discuss these matters with your financial planner or attorney to see what works best for you.
Please let us know when you include Helpmate in your estate planning. Contact Lauren Jackson, Development Coordinator, for more information: ljackson@helpmateonline.org or 828.254.2968 ext. 134.

We feel fortunate to be able to support the mission of Helpmate as they work with survivors to rebuild their lives after abuse. The work being done by Helpmate makes us all better people. It is just the right thing to do. You see, we believe no one should ever be made to feel less than who they are. Won’t you join us?
Thank you to these Legacy Society Members:
Anne Battram and Jamie Cardwell
Beverly A. Brignolo and David W. Robb
Deborah Britt
Jane Curran
Janet Dooley and Rick Cormier
Kam Drummond
Donna Ensley
Sue Fernbach and Jim Rishebarger
Jacqui Friedrich
Michael Grillot
Paula Grillot
Larry and Barbara Griswold
Cindy Ireland
Thorunn Ivey
Robert Lewis
Sue McClinton
Fran Paschall
Ginny Raviotta
Ceil and Ray Sanow
Bonnie Spradling
John Stewart
Donald and Susannah Swaby
Susan Tarantino
Debi Treleaven
Milton Warden and Carolyn Shorkey
Our thanks also to those members who prefer their names not be listed.
In Memoriam
Nels Arnold
Ruth Baker
Mitchell Laith D’Or
Ann Lewis
Vera Sluder
John Youngblood